I have observed the moon appear way earlier than the calculation for our timezone all through 2023.
If the timezone says it will be full on the 30th, I have found it shining bright in it's full glory on 28th, 29th even....earliest 27th. Unlike other years where 30th is 30th, ...so those who have different workings for the different time zones, please do take note of this and use your own discernment, if it is far fetched, use your eyes, I mean when you look outside you either see it, or you don't, right? This is an exercise you can try out in preparation for your monthly  self care routines/rituals(because a routine, a repeated action is a ritual.) I don't mean any bloody sacrifice or where you turn into a werewolf because you heard, FULL MOON, no! Keep your claws tucked in, save that for when there is real trouble, you know there is something one may go through and it will require you to bring in the big guns, (again, not ammunition) 🤣🤣🤣 anyway am just playing around with words but am sure you got what I am saying.... Read on brethren, read on!

3DAYS OF A full/new  MOON 
Afterall, A moon they say, is full for 3 days.
The day of(highest peak )  the day before,(99% growing) and the day after. (Decline 99%)

But at it's highest peak on the day of.(100%)
+99%,(upwards) 100%(Full moon) , 99%(downwards 
All 3 hands are utilized, hence the 3 day's work ... If it is a one day work, wait for the 100% full glory.  PRAY YOUR PRAY, even if you are not going through something, prevention is a thought out plan. 
Some wait for problem before they channel their inner light🤣🤣🤣 imagine that! If you neglect your inner work, you set yourself up for disaster, and 100 other battles. ( If you are not enlightened, you will seek to call the prophets, Alfa, babalao, or whatever speaks to you, like hey, there is trouble!!! Why? In your mind, it is bigger than you, talk about faith as little as a mustard seed, where is the faith? Oh ye of little faith! ( It happens to the best of them,don't shake)  my dear even that Man of God, or descendant of baba has their own demons they wrestle with, you give them so much credit, and think so little of yourself, see, all you require in this life, It has been given to you, remember who you are! I always end my talk with GO WITHIN for clarity.Because that's where most answers are, they are not outside of self, but inside of you. It's just that sometimes we are too weak to remember or even believe in this simple truth, ah, Child of the Divine is going up and down, here and there only to realize, PEace, be still. Like ah, I should have done all the above in this same spacefought the battle right in my home, some think you have to be standing at a particular spot or prayed on by a specific human, ah! The humans too need a break, they also want that same thing you seek, try asking them questions, if they are honest and not shady or dealing any dark way of life, they will tell you the truth, everyone has their own cards to shuffle,reshuffle, play, look at it like a card, general market, pick 2, you win some, loose some, who said life has to be perfect? Who said problem was made for just few individuals? BALANCE! there has to be a balance... Today you celebrate, tomorrow you are sad, the next day you are excited about this thing called life, a month later you are in tears, I hope you know this is all apart of the plan! that's the balance.
One thing I can give you for free,  when one is celebrating, celebrate with them wholeheartedly, when one is going through something, sympathize with them, because you see, you just may become what you mock, or share in on the good news with your own good luck streak, 

I have seen a man mock a life he has never lived, and watched him go through the same process, the only difference is, he could not take it, it was weighing on him, but he forgot too quick, when the other party was having that same issue, he forgot, son of man forgot the way his mandibles moved from ear to ear, to whoever cared to listen, criticizing a pain in another man's shoe, a pain you have not lived and perhaps never envision could become yours, woe unto you, when the tables turn. Be of good cheer, support one another, through it all, good or bad, life deals everyone a different ball game, may we learn from other's mistakes and not wait to learn the hard way.

Be kind, ... Be empathetic.
You never know what the next person may be going through.
Always put yourself in others shoes, 

Now I don't know how I got off from the full moon and landed here, but well, here we are, and I like it.
See you again next time. ciao.

Food for thought 
 For we fight not against flesh, but against principalities and Powers in what? Ok, goodnight.
Do not forget to pray your pray, Do not pray and worry, Do acts of kindness. Have Faith!

It is still I, 
I.G @angelicwisdom101


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